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    真假德拉萨大学分辨?! 德拉萨大学联盟



     菲律宾德拉萨大学,严格意义上是隶属于德拉萨联盟的12所大学。其中包括: 德拉萨(马尼拉)、德拉萨(达斯玛)、德拉萨医学院(达斯玛)、德拉萨-SAN BATD、圣拉萨等12个独立大学校区(加上基础教育共计16个大学和学校)。德拉萨大学联盟是300多年前由法国传教士约翰.德拉萨建立,在亚洲的菲律宾建立大学是从1911年开始,整个亚洲所有的德拉萨大学都由“德拉萨亚洲”管理。德拉萨亚洲管理整个亚洲所有的德拉萨大学,其中“德拉萨菲律宾” 是德拉萨亚洲的下属管理机构,负责管理整个菲律宾的12个大学和4个基础教育学校。以上12个德拉萨大学的校长,都是传教士,也都是德拉萨菲律宾的长老会(或称为德拉萨兄弟会)成员。各大学是平级单位,在法律和经济上互相独立,但是共享教育品牌,包括:师资共享、学术互动等。比如,我们经常在德拉萨达斯玛看到德拉萨马尼拉的专家教授上课或做博导和硕导。12所大学原本就是一家,对外我们经常习惯说菲律宾德拉萨大学,实际是指所有德拉萨大学的总体品牌效应,绝不是仅仅指德拉萨马尼拉校区。当然,德拉萨马尼拉校区是菲律宾的第一所德拉萨,也是教学质量和影响力最大的一所。但是,如果说其它德拉萨都是“假德拉萨”,那就未免以偏概全,偷换概念了! 有心人可以去实地走访看看,德拉萨达斯玛、圣拉萨的校园面积、在校生人数以及硬件规模只会比德拉萨马尼拉更好。应该说,德拉萨在菲律宾的12所大学,各有特点、互补互助、共同构成一个完整的“德拉萨品牌”!



    John Baptist de La Salle was born into a world very different from our own. He was the first son of wealthy parents living in France over 300 years ago. Born at Reims, John Baptist de La Salle received the tonsure at age eleven and was named Canon of the Reims Cathedral at sixteen. Though he had to assume the administration of family affairs after his parents died, he completed his theological studies and was ordained a priest on April 9, 1678. Two years later he received a doctorate in theology. Meanwhile, he became tentatively involved with a group of rough and barely literate young men in order to establish schools for poor boys.

    Visit http://www.lasalle.org/en/ for more details.   点击进入德拉萨机构官网查看。


    The Lasallian East Asia District (LEAD) is a community of 150 Brothers of the Christian Schools and 13,000+ Lasallian partners and associates, who together sponsor and operate more than 70 educational institutions in Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.  拉萨东亚区域是由150个兄弟会和13000个不同拉萨机构和伙伴构成的庞大组织。旗下资助和管理着遍及中国香港、日本、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡和泰国等,70多个教育机构。(注解:在这里指大学及教学科研机构等)

    LEAD belongs to a worldwide network of Catholic universities, schools and ministries established and supervised by the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, whose mission is to provide quality human and Christian education to the young especially the poor. Aside from teaching more than 150,000 students in this part of Asia, LEAD also has institutions of non-formal learning that reaches out to the last, the lost and the least.  仅在亚洲地区就有超过15万学生。

    Visit http://www.lasalle-east.asia/ for more details. 以下视频是拉萨大学联盟在亚洲的分布。



    De La Salle Philippines is a network of Lasallians within the Lasallian East Asia District established to facilitate collaboration in the Lasallian Mission and the promotion of the spirit of faith, zeal for service and communion in mission that together, are at the heart of the journey of our Founder, John Baptist de La Salle.

    Visit https://www.delasalle.ph/dlsp-schools for more details. 以下是德拉萨亚洲的分布图,以及德拉萨菲律宾下属的所有的大学名单。






    The La Salle Brothers first came to the Philippines in 1911, when they were invited by the Archbishop of Manila to set up a Catholic school for the children of the upper classes in the country’s capital. The archbishop was concerned then about the growing number of American protestant schools in the country and he sought the help of the brothers to stem the tide of this growing influence among the children of the country’s leading families. 1911年拉萨兄弟会来到菲律宾,在马尼拉首都创办了第一所德拉萨大学(德拉萨马尼拉);

    Although the Brothers found themselves in a situation of providing education for the children of the elite, they endeavored to remain true to their mission by inculcating in their students a deep concern for the plight of their less privileged countrymen. It was hoped that their Lasallian education would encourage them to utilize and develop their talents and resources in serving their nation, as they were bound to succeed their father in taking the help of the Philippine economic, political, and cultural life.

    As the Brothers in the Philippines grew in number, and as their successes allowed, they gradually established more La Salle schools in the country, schools more directly serving the needs of the poor and the underprivileged through education. 随着在菲律宾的兄弟会成员的增加,逐渐又建立了更多的德拉萨大学和学校。

    There are currently 16 La Salle schools in the Philippines. These schools are continually developing and implementing programs to help the most vulnerable children in today’s society (delasalle.ph/schools/)

    Each of these schools shows a genuine concern for the poor and vulnerable and communicate this attitude to the students. 目前在菲律宾有16所拉萨学校(备注:12所大学+4所基础教育学校)

    备注:以上文中 La Salle 就是对De La Salle 的简称,也是另一种称谓,都是来源于创始人约翰.德拉萨的姓。

    Photo credits: De La Salle Philippines





